Stratos.Frame is a proof of concept for a topdown 3D action game focused on mech combat. This proof of concept explores an active arsenal reload system and a responsive combat feel that aims to capture flashy anime mech fights like in Gundam or Code Geass.

ROLE: Game Design (Combat, Tech Design)


GENRE: Action, Arcade

Gameplay Design

I wanted to explore an ability system that embodied both the strategy of using a mech’s arsenal while piloting a machine with high agility.

One inspiration for this project was the game, Phantom Dust. Released in 2004, Phantom Dust blended real-time-strategy with action, resulting in a spellcasting system that felt responsive while putting emphasis in resource management and ability knowledge.

To me, it felt like the closest thing to the mech gameplay that I wanted, so I took a crack at adapting that system into my intended vision for this project.

The ability system works as follows: the player has a maximum of 8 ability points. With these points they could access the following abilities:

  • Spin Attack (costs 1 ability point)

  • Rocket Shot (costs 2 ability points)

  • Tri Missile (costs 3 ability points)

Using an ability takes away a point from the pool. Whenever the points are less than 8, the active cooldown starts and continues to refill until its back to 8. Reaching 0 points results in a reset, blocking the meter from refilling until the cooldown is over.

The intent of this system is to have a soft ability management

Early Attempts

Part of it was creating cinematic QTE moments. But due to project scope and creative direction, I moved away from this and decided to make it top down and focus on gameplay first.

An early iteration of the project explore it as an over-the-shoulder action game, with emphasis on a closer, more cinematic combat approach.


The Horror of Blackbrook Rock


FLUX - Valorant Agent Concept